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Version vom 3. Januar 2021, 13:11 Uhr von Chris (Diskussion | Beiträge) (→‎CDR Sizes)
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CDR Sizes

80min/700MB: 1st Session 674MB Maximum

90min/800MB: max 748MB when 45000 Sectors in 1st Session with dummy burn

90min/800MB: max ~735MB when 45000 Sectors in 1st Session

Access Files on CDI Images

  1. Extract the seperate Track first
cdirip <CDIFILE>.cdi
  1. In case of 2nd Data Track, fix the LBA first
isofix <TRACK02>.iso <LBA Value reported by cdirip>

What binhack does

Changes LBA Value at offset 1461904 ( 8 Bytes before CD001 string) from 6EB0 (45166) to LBA Value+166 specified during binhack.

Adds Region Codes for JAP,EUR and USA and strings for that. Adds some bootcode, probably SH4 ASM to make the GDROM accept CDRs.

What cdda does

Changes some bytes, probably SH4 ASM to enable playback of CDDA tracks.

What dahack does

Changes LBA Values at offsets 1301408,1302380 and 1461904. First 2 offsets get rewritten from 5EB0 (45150) to 9600 (150). Third offset gets rewritten from 6EB0 (45166) to LBA Value+166 specified during dahack. 3rd offset change is basically the same what binhack does.

What hack3 does

Changes LBA Values at offsets 1301408,1302380 and 1461904. First 2 offsets get rewritten from 5EB0 (45150) to LBA Value+150 specified during dahack. Third offset gets rewritten from 6EB0 (45166) to LBA Value+166 specified during dahack. 3rd offset change is basically the same what binhack does.

LBA 45000 Trick

69120000 bytes in first session will result in LBA 45000.

Fill 1st Session ISO File to 69120000 bytes with zeros

6912000 bytes = 33750 2048-byte-sectors

CORRECTION : Must be 33598 Sectors !!! = 68808703 bytes

1st Session Leadout = 11250 Sectors = 23040000 Bytes

2nd Session will start at Sector 45000

When using extract.exe, add 150 Sectors to LBA reported in gdinfo_FG.exe track05

dd if=/dev/zero of=<ISOFILE> bs=1 count=1 seek=69119999

Creating & Burning DATA/DATA ISOs

Merging track03 & track05 into one file

Create dummy file first Calculate 1185760800 - <SIZE OF track03.bin + SIZE OF track05.bin>

dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=0 seek=<RESULT> of=dummy.bin
cat track03.bin dummy.bin track05.bin > combined.bin

This also helps when extract.exe only outputs garbage out of track03.iso along with track05.iso. This way only the combined.iso needs to be extracted.


cdirip <CDIFile> <Destination Directory>
cdrecord dev=/dev/sr0 -v -multi -tao -xa tdata01.iso
cdrecord dev=/dev/sr0 -v -tao -xa tdata02.iso

Full rip process from GD-ROM to CD-ROM

Get GDROM Data from Dreamcast with http-ack



  1. Boot HTTP-ack from CD
  2. Swap HTTP-ack CD with Original GD-ROm
  3. Connect via Browser to
  4. Download all files starting with track03.bin
  5. Download disc.gdi

Extract Data from Tracks

Use gditools


Either use GUI or gditools.py

python2.7 ./gditools.py 
Usage: ./gditools.py -i input_gdi [options]

  -h, --help             Display this help
  -l, --list             List all files in the filesystem and exit
  -o [outdir]            Output directory. Default: gdi folder
  -s [filename]          Create a sorttxt file with custom name
                           (It uses *data-folder* as prefix)
  -b [ipname]            Dump the ip.bin with custom name
  -e [filename]          Dump a single file from the filesystem
  --extract-all          Dump all the files in the *data-folder*
  --data-folder [name]   *data-folder* subfolder. Default: data
                           (__volume_label__ --> Use ISO9660 volume label)
  --sort-spacer [num]    Sorttxt entries are sperated by num
  --silent               Minimal verbosity mode
  [no option]            Display gdi infos if not silent

gditools.py by FamilyGuy, http://sourceforge.net/p/dcisotools/
    Licensed under GPLv3, see licences folder.

iso9660.py  by Barney Gale, http://github.com/barneygale
    Licensed under a BSD-based license, see licences folder.
python2.7 ./gditools.py -i <disc.gdi> --extract-all -o /mnt/development/dreamcast/rips/orgs/<GAME_NAME>/<CD Number> --data-folder __volume_label__ -s sort.txt -b ip.bin

Old way

  1. If the game contains more than track03.bin, combine the 2 binfiles into 1:
cat track03.bin dummy.bin track05.bin > <BINFILE>
  1. Convert .BIN Files to .ISO Files first with bin2iso.exe
bin2iso.exe <BINFILE> <ISOFILE>
  1. Extract Data from .ISO files
extract.exe <ISOFILE>

If extracted 1ST_READ.BIN has filesize of 0, LBA of track05 is wrong.


AFS Files


AFS files contain multiple ADX files combined into one AFS file.

compact AFS with:


for Alone in the Dark - The New Nightmare .XA files are AFS files, rename first with:

rename .XA .afs *.XA

then compact and rename back to .XA:

rename .afs .XA *.afs

AFSCompactor.exe will rename files inside .afs to file0001 etc... AITD4 doesnt seem to care.

extract AFS with:

afs_extract.exe *.afs|*.XA


afsextract.exe -sc afsfile|XAfile


afsutils_v2.exe | rename .XA files to .afs beforehand.

SFD Movies


Demux video to .m1v and audio to .wav first

Example (play around with bitrates):

for f in <SFD Files>; do ffmpeg -i $f -vcodec mpeg1video -b:v 2600k -minrate 2600k -maxrate 3600k -y $f.m1v -acodec adpcm_ima_wav -y $f.wav ; done

Open all .wavs in single Audacity project and mass export again, 16bit and 44100 Hz.

Start Dreamcast Movie Converter and remux/reencode to .SFD. Dont use batch processing, videos get truncated!

4XM Movies


Convert to AVI first with ffmpeg

for i in ../rips/unmodified/aitd4/cd2/AITD4_GD_2/MOVIES/*.4XM; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -vf scale=320x160 -y "${i%.*}.avi"; done

Downsample with 4xm_comp.exe

Speed : 30 fps Data Rate : 110000 Resize Width 320 Height 160

Create ISO Images

For the 1st Session, chosen files must not exceed total of 69120000 bytes!

1st Session

Create first ISOFile
mkisofs -l -duplicates-once -no-allow-lowercase -graft-points -V <DISCNAME> -o <OUTPUT1.ISO> <CHOSEN FILE> <CHOSEN FILE> <CHOSEN FILE>...

Fill first ISOFile with zeros so it takes up exactly 68808703 bytes = LBA 45000

dd if=/dev/zero of=<OUTPUT1.ISO> bs=1 count=1 seek=68808703
Burn 1st session
cdrecord -v -multi -tao -xa <OUTPUT1.ISO>

Check MSINFO value & TOC

cdrecord -msinfo

cdrecord -toc

first: 1 last 1
track:   1 lba:         0 (        0) 00:02:00 adr: 1 control: 4 mode: -1
track:lout lba:     33600 (   134400) 07:30:00 adr: 1 control: 4 mode: -1

To include subdirectories into the root directory of the CD, use

mkisofs -l -duplicates-once -no-allow-lowercase -graft-points -V <DISCNAME> -o <OUTPUT1.ISO> <SUBDIRECTORY>/=<PATH_OF_SUBDIRECTORY>


mkisofs -no-allow-lowercase -graft-points -l -duplicates-once -V AITD4_GD_2 -o aitd4_d2_1.iso MOVIES/=../rips/modified/aitd4/cd2/AITD4_GD_2/MOVIES/

2nd Session


Get MSINFO Value

cdrecord -msinfo

Enter name of binary: 1ST_READ.BIN
Enter name of bootsector: ip.bin
Enter msinfo value: <MSINFO Value>
File 1ST_READ.BIN successfully hacked. 
Bincon detected, OS flag set to 0.
File ip.bin successfully created.
logoinsert darkrealm.mr IP.BIN
Burn 2nd Session
mkisofs -no-allow-lowercase -l -duplicates-once -V <DISCNAME> -G <IP.BIN> -M <OUTPUT1.ISO> -C <MSINFO VALUE> -o <OUTPUT2.ISO> <GAME_DATA_DIRECTORY>
cdrecord -v -tao -xa <OUTPUT2.ISO>